Thursday, September 25, 2008


Over the past few weeks, I've been noticing something. There is an awful lot of kindness in the world. Most of the time, in places that we don't see it and in places where we don't expect it. Simple things like a man who stopped the traffic behind his big truck and let me turn left in front of him on my way home the other day. Or this sweet lady who noticed that Andy had dropped his train on the floor, had seen him with it a few minutes beforehand and tracked me down through the store to find us. I hadn' t even noticed that it was missing and she'd seen him with it. She seriously went through almost the whole store trying to find us to give it to him. I felt like I should have given her a reward or something.

I've had some of my Twilight Mom friends trying to bend over backwards to help me take care of my boys since my ex's schedule changed at work. These women who have children of their own to take care of, have offered to babysit for me just so I can get some time off. I had people who I hadn't talked to in months, text me or email me to wish me a happy birthday last week. People who's birthdays I know I forgot. They still were kind enough to remember me.

It is amazing to me that with so much hate and evil in this world, there are still good samaritans who do things without being asked to, without any expectations, just out of the kindness of their hearts. It makes me want to try harder to be that way, to set that example for my kids.

This may never reach anyone who has done these amazing things for me, for my boys or for the people in my life who I care about, but thank you. For showing me that people in this world still have it in them to be kind to one another. We really need more of that.

1 comment:

Chels said...

Thanks for pointing that out. It's so much easier to see all the bad. It's nice to realize that there is good out there too.

I also want to add to the let me take your boys list! Alex is such a sweetheart and I'm sure Andy is too. I'd love to take them for a while so you can escape! I think it would be fun to do another thing where we get together with the kids. Let them play and do whatever. I don't know when or where or anything, it's just something I've been thinking about the last couple days!